Early Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)!
- Exposes students to creative processes
- Encourages meaningful collaborations
- Increases critical Thinking
- Motivates students to problem solve innovatively
- Offers hands-on learning experiences
- Provides opportunities to demonstrate concepts in unique ways

Introduction to Spanish!
The benefits of empowering children with a second language is widely accepted. Young children have a greater capacity to absorb a new language, which in turn can improve their cognitive skills, confidence and positively influence their understanding of diversity and cross-cultural attitudes.
Our Language Enrichment program for ages 4 and 5 will provide opportunities to acquire basic skills in Spanish as a subject in their own classroom settings.
- Introduction to numbers, words, colors, shapes, days of the week, months, etc.
- Learning high frequency words and phrases, proper pronunciation, and meaning
- Story times, songs, and interactive games to reinforce and expand comprehension
- Group projects to improve vocabulary and oral language skills