Dual Language Immersion
For our children ages 4-5 we offer Dual Language Immersion in Spanish and English. Children are introduced to high frequency words and basic conversational Spanish with the assistance of our highly trained teachers.
Fun, Engaging Lessons
taught through stories, songs, and interactive games
Increased Cognitive Skills, Confidence, and Cross-Cultural Perspective
Village Preschool's STEAM Program
Village Preschool's STEAM Program offers our students a variety of challenging and hands-on projects in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math to supplement their weekly lessons and provide opportunities for critical thinking, group projects, and advance knowledge in technology.
Computer Lab
children gain academic skills and fine motor with the use of a keyboard and mouse
Classroom Robotics
for coding activities and problem-solving challenges
Additional Early Childhood Education Tech
additional resources such as light tables, tablets, and other science/engineering materials